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Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 47 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Issue 31 (July - September 2000)
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

Human Perfection

Are we meant to be more than just intelligent animals? With respect to action and bodily endeavors, we are no more than weak animals or helpless creatures. The realm at our disposal is so limited tha... read more..

Issue 31 (July - September 2000)
Nihal B. Karaca

Wrong Timing Wounded Conscious

It was always the 1968 generation. It was considered an insult not to recall them when mention was made of that year. Critical, revolutionary, taboo destroyer, pacifist, an individualistic protester w... read more..

Issue 31 (July - September 2000)
Yasin Kesen

Virtual Park The tradition of our scientific and technological explosion continues in the new millennium as an inheritance from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The need to publicize s... read more..

Issue 31 (July - September 2000)
Hikmet Isik

Why do we need to worship God?

Question: What is the point of worship, and why does it have to be done in a certain way? Answer: Consider our position in this universe. We are neither omnipotent nor self-sufficient, and so have ne... read more..

Issue 31 (July - September 2000)
Abdulaziz Sachedina

Travel to Your Heart

Modern men and women are in search of meaningful existence as they encounter materialist culture, which consumes their inner peace and sense of wholeness and integrity. Human life is full of challenge... read more..

Issue 33 (January - March 2001)
Jay Willoughby

Editorial (Issue 33)

Our Interrelated World Civilizations are built on knowledge and a worldview of how it fits together. At some point, a civilization must decide what type of knowledge is going to form its foundation a... read more..

Issue 32 (October - December 2000)
M. Fethullah Gulen

An Ideal Society

Groups formed by disorganized and sinful (disobedient) individuals are merely crowds with no esthetic values, people far from the thought of doing good. On the other hand, ideal or complete people car... read more..

Issue 32 (October - December 2000)
Alphonse Dougan

Science and Religion:Between Friction and Harmony

Can science and religion coexist? Can an inquisitive mind adopt any religion? Are faith and scientific inquiry incompatible? Is religion a set of dogmas and hence closed to scientific investigation? I... read more..

Issue 32 (October - December 2000)
Suleyman Uludag

The Impact of Electronic Media

Plato (d. c.348 BC) described a cave in which people live like prisoners, stuck with the physical objects surrounding them: what they saw, heard, and experienced”what we call the visible world. Since ... read more..

Issue 32 (October - December 2000)
Ekrem Dumanli

Looking at Ourselves in the Cave

Plato (d. c.348 BC) described a cave in which people live like prisoners, stuck with the physical objects surrounding them: what they saw, heard, and experienced”what we call the visible world. Since ... read more..

Issue 32 (October - December 2000)
Ilhan Kaya

Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization

Arjun Appadurai Abstract: Appadurai's work offers a very critical and deep analysis of modernity and globalization. He believes that no single theory can describe modernity's complexity, for he belie... read more..

Issue 32 (October - December 2000)
Josep Clay

An Islamic Perspective on Several Christian Concepts

One factor that has influenced the course of history is how Muslims and Christians perceive each other's religions. Most Muslims and Christians hold distorted beliefs of the other's beliefs, as litera... read more..

Issue 32 (October - December 2000)
Antony P. O'Connell

Childen's Safety on The Internet

The Internet is often termed the information highway because it connects countless computers and users all over the world. We use it for so many things: to research various subjects, to communicate wi... read more..

Issue 32 (October - December 2000)
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

Human Perfection

Human beings resemble tender children. Our strength originates in our weakness, and our power in our impotence. All creation has been subjugated to us because of our lack of strength and power. If, th... read more..

Issue 32 (October - December 2000)
Angela Caras

The Adventures of Ibn Battuta

Ibn Battuta left Tangier in the Maghrib (contemporary Morocco) in 1325, about 25 years after Marco Polo returned from his journey. Ibn Battuta has been called the Marco Polo of the Orient, a title tha... read more..

Issue 32 (October - December 2000)
Laura Williams

Breen's Code: Interfaith Cooperation For Morals in Movies

When two students walked into Colombine High School in Littleton, CO, and killed 12 fellow students, a century-old debate was revived: Is there a connection between violence in motion pictures and rea... read more..

Issue 32 (October - December 2000)
Hikmet Isik

Why should I believe in the Resurrection and the Afterlife?

Q: Why should I believe in the Resurrection and the Afterlife? A: After belief in God, this is the main way to secure a peaceful social order. If I don't believe in personal accountability, why shou... read more..

Results 31 - 47 of 47